- Abuse - Children with Developmental Disabilities: Keeping our Children Safe
- Access Services Web Site
- Aging and Senior Care for Communities in California
- Aging & Disability Resource Connection
- ARCA-Association of Regional Center Agencies
- Birth Injury
- California Assistive Technology Exchange
- California Probate Conservatorships & Alternatives
- California senior healthcare
- California State Capitol
- California State Council on Developmental Disabilities
- CDC Publications on Demand
- Cerebralpalsy guide
- Competitive Integrated Employment
- Consumers Guide to the Lanterman Act
- Contact | California Governor
- Covid-19 Medication (Lacounty.gov)
- DDS Complaints
- DDS - Consumer Corner Publications
- DDS Safety Net Web Site
- Disability Scoop - The Premier Source for Developmental Disability News
- DRC-17 Special Education Tips DRC
- DRC- Social Security
- FCPP - Family Cost Participation Program
- Family Empowerment Centers (Seeds of Partnership website)
- Families and Family Support Tools (CAPTAIN)
- Helping Hands for Seniors
- Help me Grow / LA- Early Start Tools (lacounty.gov)
- Mesothelioma Hope
- NASDDS-National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services
- Richard D. Davis Foundation (Formerly known as the San Gabriel/Pomona Valleys Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc.)
- Resources for Individuals with Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
- State Protection & Advocacy Agencies
- Social Security Online
- Ticket to Work - Social Security Administration
- Transition to Adulthood- Virtual Transition Fair
- Virtual Sibs Meet up for the adult siblings of people with disabilities. For sibs in or connected to California
- Wheelchair Accessible Scales
We have included a few resources that you may find helpful.
If you seek additional resources,
parent-to-parent support, training's, referrals, or information for your child at no cost to you,
feel free to call us at: (626) 919-1091
If you seek additional resources,
parent-to-parent support, training's, referrals, or information for your child at no cost to you,
feel free to call us at: (626) 919-1091