WSGV SELPA’s ADR Workshops
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Skills Building Workshop Series aims to support parents and families in improving outcomes for their students. By Dr. Sheri Wilkins, Innovative Educational Solutions LLC Training Workshop Outcomes:
Workshop One: Building Trusting Relationships Through Skillful Communication Workshop Two: Clarifying Identity, Intentions, and Principles Workshop Three: Information, Tensions, and Getting to Agreement Working Together Series (CADRE) Five Courses
Five interactive self-directed courses that provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict. Please click the link below to register with CADRE to take these courses. Copies of guides are available at Parents' Place in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. Don't hesitate to contact our office for additional information and copies of these guides at 626-919-1091.
IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides and Companion Videos
CADRE developed six parent guides and a process comparison chart with the support of parent leaders from across the country. These guides explain facilitation, mediation, written state complaints, due process complaints, resolution meetings, and expedited due process complaints. To view the guides and watch the accompanying videos please click the link below. Hard copies of these guides are available at the Parents’ Place FRC and Empowerment Center |
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